If you want to the launch amazon elastic compute cloud (ec2) instances and assign to each instance an predetermined private ip address you should?
383What does elastic cloud computing mean? What are the types of ec2 instance types. Elaborate any one type
381In cloud front to take what happens when the content is not present an edge location and the request is an made to it?
379I have some private servers on premises, also I have distributed some of workload on the public cloud, what is this architecture called?
631Post New Cloud Computing General Questions
What are the different cloud service models in cloud architecture?: cloud computing architecture
Name the three basic clouds in cloud computing?
Which service providers use OpenID authentication in cloud computing?
What is the requirement of virtualization platforms in implementing cloud?
What is the usage of utility computing?
What is the function of a Amazon controller?
Explain the component of integration-as-a-service in cloud computing?
What is hypervisor in cloud computing and its types?
What are the different layers of cloud computing?
What is the difference between cloud and traditional datacenters?
What essential things a user should know before going for cloud computing platform?
What are the different models for deployment in cloud computing?
What Are The Advantages Of Cloud Services?
What is paas?
Explain the the main characteristics of Cloud Computing?