How to configure the number of the Combiner in MapReduce?
How many times combiner is called on a mapper node in Hadoop?
How can you add the arbitrary key-value pairs in your mapper?
Where the mapper's intermediate data will be stored?
For a Hadoop job, how will you write a custom partitioner?
What is heartbeat in hdfs? Explain.
What are mapreduce new and old apis while writing map reduce program?. Explain how it works
Explain how mapreduce works.
If reducers do not start before all mappers finish then why does the progress on mapreduce job shows something like map(50%) reduce(10%)? Why reducers progress percentage is displayed when mapper is not finished yet?
Difference between mapreduce and spark
Explain what is distributed cache in mapreduce framework?
What is the problem with the small file in Hadoop?
how can you debug Hadoop code?
Can we rename the output file?
What do you mean by data locality?