Windows Phone OS Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about the Windows Phone?

1 2368

Tell me about Windows Phone User interface?

1 2208

Tell us about Windows Phone Web browser?

1 2040

What do you know about Windows Phone Media support?

1 2252

Explain Windows Phone Multitasking?

1 2125

Tell me about Windows Phone Bluetooth?

1 2247

Explain Windows Phone Hardware?

1 2116

Can we control the WebBrowser controls zooom?

1 2189

How to restart or shutdown my application programmatically?

1 4253

How to detect if my application is exiting so I can save state?

1 2187

How to pin an app on the emulator?

1 2036

The MarketPlace Launchers overloads for Show has parameters, what are these?

1 1945

Tell me Will TextTrimming property be available on TextBlock?

1 2265

Suppose I am hitting System.InvalidOperationException in the Navigate method of the WebBrowserControl. What gives?

1 2068

Do you know will Microsoft ship a panorama control with the run-time?


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Un-Answered Questions { Windows Phone OS }

Is there any internal page notification that it receives to detect a phone call?


Suppose tried two separate web cams in the emulator and both give com errors, any clue on getting this to work?


Tell me is forms authentication supported?


Tell me can I write multi-player games using wi-fi or blue tooth in the device.?


How to get the geolocation data on a picture?


Is .bmp format supported?


Can I use my phone as a boot device?


Tell me is it possible to run two instances of emulator on the same machine. I am doing some networking app and need two emulators to test it?


How to manage my isolated storage quota?


Explain about windows phone bluetooth?


Is it temporary that the control styles are included in app.xaml?


Explain how to detect if my application is exiting so I can save state?


How to play two mediaelements at once?


Tell me can I open sockets in windows phone?


Tell me where is the best recommended place to store both static and user-specified configuration information?