Medicine Interview Questions
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What structures are pierced when doing an LP?

3 10846

What structures do the broad ligament contain?

1 3138

What structures make up the bronchopulmonary segment?

1 4931

What structures perforate the diaphragm at what vertebral levels?

1 4673

What three muscles close the jaw?

1 7572

What usually provides the blood supply for the inferior left ventricle?

1 2813

When do the JG cells secrete renin?

1 2715

When is damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve most likely to happen and what are its results?

1 2607

Where is the CSF found?

1 2882

Where is the Myenteric plexus located (Submucosal plexus)?

1 3069

Which ligament contains the ovarian vessels?

1 3011

Which ligament contains the uterine vessels?

1 4102

Which lung is the usual site of an inhaled foreign body?

1 2617

Which lung provides a space for the heart to occupy?

1 3016

Which meningeal layer is not pierced during an LP?

1 3104

Un-Answered Questions { Medicine }

How aids is caused?


Explain cell-mediated immune response?


Is it dangerous if a person is exposed to x-rays frequently?


What are the primary functions of the nervous system, and how do neurologists diagnose and treat disorders related to it?


Explain immunoglobulin (ig) e?


What are the domains, which are present in heavy chain?


Define immune system


Who are atopic individuals?


What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule ifn ? Secreted by th or tc cell?


What is the response type and activity shown by effector molecule igg, igm?


Where do raw materials for manufacturing ayurvedic medicines come from?


Name the parasite, which causes leishmaniasis.


How do you assess and promote proper nutrition and healthy growth in pediatric patients, from infancy through adolescence?


What is the mechanism of host defense in chagas disease?


What is the host defense mechanism shown if the infection is through invasion of host tissues?