Database Errors Interview Questions
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ORA-06449: The list IO or the sysvendor is not installed.

1 2385

ORA-06503: PL/SQL: Function returned without value

1 4946

ORA-06504: PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match

1 5632

ORA-06505: PL/SQL: variable requires more than 32767 bytes of contiguous memory

1 3187

ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

1 4397

ORA-06511: PL/SQL: cursor already open

1 7947

ORA-06512: at stringline string

1 3452

ORA-06513: PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

1 4883

ORA-06514: PL/SQL: The remote call cannot be handled by the server

1 2907

ORA-06515: PL/SQL: unhandled exception string

1 4693

ORA-06516: PL/SQL: the Probe packages do not exist or are invalid

1 2586

ORA-06517: PL/SQL: Probe error - string

1 3174

ORA-06518: PL/SQL: Probe version string incompatible with version string

1 2598

ORA-06519: active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

1 4694

ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library

1 7985

Un-Answered Questions { Database Errors }

IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because object type "string"."string" cannot be created or has different identifier


mount: mount to NFS server failed: System Error: Connection timed out


write a database figure to implement the master detained relationship.


how can i get the question papers of year 2006 and 2007 of 12th commerce gujarat board


invalid quantity specification negative quantity are not allowed for this item please check this item definition quantity


I have written the code as below. here problem is that dt remain null. how to solve thst please tell me. public partial class Form1 : Form { private DataTable DTable; private DataRow drow; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private OleDbConnection getConnection() { OleDbConnection con=new OleDbConnection (@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\winApp for Student\winApp for Student\App_Data\SchooMgnSystem.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"); return con; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertData(); } private void InsertData() { if (DTable==null) { DTable = new DataTable(); DTable.Columns.Add("StudID", typeof(string)); DTable.Columns.Add("StudName", typeof (string)); DTable.Columns.Add("Address", typeof(string)); drow = DTable.NewRow(); drow[0] = txtStudID.Text; drow[1] = txtSTudName.Text; drow[2] = txtAddress.Text; DTable.Rows.Add(drow); grdStudent.DataSource = DTable; } else { drow = DTable.NewRow(); drow[0] = txtStudID.Text; drow[1] = txtSTudName.Text; drow[2] = txtAddress.Text; DTable.Rows.Add(drow); grdStudent.DataSource = DTable; } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cmdstr; OleDbCommand cmd; OleDbConnection con = getConnection(); foreach (DataRow Drow in DTable.Rows) { cmdstr = "Insert into Student values('" + drow[0].ToString() + "','" + drow[1].ToString() + "','"+drow [2].ToString()+"')"; cmd = new OleDbCommand(cmdstr,con); try { con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } } }


How to resolve QSM-01108 error. I have no OR conditions in my query, but do have 9 IN conditions. The error says the max limit is 2 while I have 257 number of disjuncts. However, if I remove even a single IN condition, the query is rewritten. I cannot change my query. How can I resolve this issue?


ORA-26032: index string.string loading aborted after string keys


ORA-26028: index string.string initially in unusable state


IMP-00070: Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database.


When do you get "getwmicomexception"?


hp asking for replication floppy to do reinstall 25254 server assistant


today's peformance is less than took 1 mint and today's performance is 7 mints.guys can anyone answer to mu question in sql


What is the meaning of lock escalation and why/how to stop this?


java.sql.SQLException:Invalid state, the statement object is closed Hai all i got this error when i am multiple times referesh web page