USA Dependent Visa H4 Visa Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Where are you staying currently?



What is your mother-in-law's name?

1 3263

Where is his client located?


When did your husband call the last time?

1 3914

Who will bare the expenses while you are in USA? (OR) Who Will Pay For Your Trip?

2 5033

What are his timings at his current job?

1 3911

What is your full maiden name?


2 9692

Why did you not leave with your husband? (OR) Why are you coming today for visa when you got married so and so date

2 6086

Can you show me your Marriage Invitation?

2 4169

Who arranged this marriage?

2 5022

Do any of your relatives/friends live in USA?

1 3613

Fire Ceremony Photographs?

1 3718

What is your husband?s degree? (OR) What is your husband?s highest degree?

2 4513

How did you receive the documents

1 5123

What are your plans after you go USA?

4 8259

Post New USA Dependent Visa H4 Visa Questions

Un-Answered Questions { USA Dependent Visa H4 Visa }

Why are you coming today for visa when you got married so and so date?


Why is he staying in California when his company is in Philadelphia


I am unable to check the views provided by ppl earlier.. My question is the same as the ones asked before.. I want to convert my H4 to H1. Any consultancies in the US?


Why did you not leave with your husband? (OR) Why are you coming today for visa when you got married so and so date? (OR) Why did you not come with your husband for interview?


Can you please show me your tax returns,?


My husband is on H1B visa.I have the photocopy of I797 of my husband with me not the original. I am going for the H4 interview so i would like to know if i should carry original I797 document or the photocopy of I797. do they reject me if I dont carry the original of I797?


For how long have your husband?s been working with client. (OR) Systems People?


Hi im 74 yrs old, recently bereaved of my husband, i have never visited the US. My Son is a US citizen through the lucky draw and my daughter is married to a US citizen for over 15years. I intend to immigrate to the US and live the rest of my days with my son, could someone please help me with type of questions that i may be asked at the H4 visa interview.


Your husband graduate from which university?


What if we dont have fire ceremony photographs?how to justify them?


i'm going to apply for H VISA my hubby's resi add in VISA is our old add which he has not updated but mine is new add will there be any probs in interview i have our current resi agreement copy


Hi,my wife is travelling to canada in work permit for 2years,what are the documents required for me to travel with her as dependent.


Who is sponsoring in your husbands H1?


As a foreign applicant, what do you understand about our company before sending your application CV for consideration?


hi i am going to atten the h4 visa interview........i am a doctor. do they ask me about my education,why ur not going in that visa type...shud i say about my education or shud not disclose that can any ony help me.........