I am appearing for bank of baroda po exam.kindly send me the aptitude questions for the last 5 years. my email id is - abhimanyu.jamaiyar@gmail.com
2489l. "Lay-up shot" is a term associated with which of the following games ? (1) Volleyball (3) Basketball (2) Throwball (4) Hand BalI 2. Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. in (1) Persia Q) BabYlon (3) Macedonia @) Taxila g. The scientist who was associated with the foodgrain revolution and also won the Nobel Pize for Peace is (1) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (2) Dr. N.E. Borlaug (3) Dr. S. Chandrashekhar (4) Willy Brandt 4. The first Indian ruler who accepted Subsidiary Alliance offered by Lord Wellesley in 1798 was (1) Nawab of Oudh (2) Nizam of Hyderabad (3) Nawab of Carnatic (4) King of Mysore 5. Bats can sense obstacles because they produce (1) Supersonic sound waves (2) Ultrasonic sound waves (3) Infrasonic sound waves (4) Micro sound waves 6. Which of these is a modified underground stem (1) Radish (D Carrot (3) Sweet potato (4) Potato
8 17195Who has authored the book 'Caesar and Cleopatra'? (1) William Shakespeare (2) Charles Dickens (3) George Bernard Shaw (4) Matthew Arnold Which amendments to the Constitution provide for the reservation of one-third seats in the Municipal Boards and Village Panchayats for women ? (1) 73'd and 74th (2) 82nd and 83'd (3) 72'd and 73'd @) 74th and 75th In the electroplating of gold the electrolyte used is (1) Potassium Aurocyanide (2) Gold Chloride (3) Gold Sulphate (4) Gold Nitrate 8. 9. 10. The food conducting tissue of a plant is (1) Phloem (2) (3) Parenchyma (4) Xylem Collenchyma 11. Which of the following was the venue of the Commonwealth Games in 2006 ? (1) Manchester (3) Hamilton (2) Edmonton (4) Melbourne L2. In which of the following categories of crops are Rice and Bajqa included ? (1) Rabi (2) Kharif (3) Zaid' (4) Plantation 13. Who was the recipient of David Dixon Award at the Commonwealth Games 2006 ? (1) Abhinav Bindra (2) Jeev Milkha Singh (3) Samresh Jung (4) Anju Bobby George
1 5907which is the best institute in hyderabad for bank po's and how to prepare for po's in a smart way
sir, how shud i prepare for entrance exams
A certain code ,EDUCATION is written as OPJUBDVEF,how COMPUTERS written in same code?
The Present State of recession in IT Industry - as Human Resource manager how are you going to undertake Human Resource Planning at Macro Level to tide over this crisis?
which is the best institute in hyderabad for bank po's and how to prepare for po's in a smart way
what is difference between real time OS and ordinary OS?
Which question papers I have to learne for openmat exam
At present the major part of which of the follwoing central revenues goes to various state governments in india
what as india's percentage share in world exports for the year 2005?
sir i have registered for rbi b grade officer post but havent recieved any confirmation about the venue or hall ticket .plz help
Q. 1 The present state of recession in the IT industry- as a HR manager how are you going to undertake HR planning at macro level to tide over this crisis? Q. 2 If you are working in a super market, what techniques/tools you will use in data collection. How are you going to analysis the data and make inferences? How will you finally apply your market research to improve sales and win over customers? Pls Replay as soon as Possible Chintal
What is the control valve
calculate electron mobility