a resistor with the colour bands sequnce yellow, violet, orange, golden idecates a resistance value
3 53194. Human code is a 1) error correcting code 2) lossless source code 3) lossy source code 4) error detecting code
1 5500ravi is 7 ranks ahead of sumit in a class of 30 students. if sumit rank is 17 from the last, what is the ravi from the start?
2 6462Write a C++ program using user defined functions to reverse every word of a string: eg:My name is should output yM eman si
1 6225suppose a processor does not have any stack pointer register which of the following statements is true? a)it cannot have subroutine call instructions b)it cannot have subroutine call instruction but no nested subroutine calls c)nested subroutine calls are possible, but interrupts are not d)all sequences of subroutine calls and also subroutines are possible
1 9325Can some1 please mail me the question papers of iiit hyderabad...my mail id is cenablogspot@gmail.com
2147Can some1 please mail me the question papers of iiit hyderabad...my mail id is cenablogspot@gmail.com
2277If Q is the point of ABCD rectangle where QA=3CM,QB=4CM,and QC=5cm then find the length of QD ?
26551.why there is 365 or 366 days in a year.? 2.and also why there is 30 days in a month? 3. and 23 hours 56 minutes 4 second in a day ? 4 . why there is 28 or 29 days in February?
sir can you send me previous question paper of jsplGET entrance test
hello sir iam studying in diploma in the andharapradesh. but my hope is do the engineering in the delhi.iam what type of enternce test is do the face.please tell me.
what is specific obtical rotation of sugar?
what is the difference between interface and abstract class
in vfd why we did not give directac ac supply?
Book for preparation of HPCL (CS/IT) .
What are the most asked questions for learner operators in the interview for eskom?
can u make this program simpler
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Sir Pl Provide the diploma nautical science sample paper
.students decide to gift principal 4200 rupees. if teachers give 50% more than the students and an external person gives 3 times to that of teachers.how much do teachers give.
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If Q is the point of ABCD rectangle where QA=3CM,QB=4CM,and QC=5cm then find the length of QD ?
what is theaverage weight of one brick?