General Physics Interview Questions
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we know when two atom combine,the electrions are in valance band,but in case of semiconductor doner or acceptor level are above of v.. whyb


why we need complex no. in physical world?

1 2976

a thing that will break easily?

4 5056

why is a coin in a vessel not vissible when seen fromjust below the edge of the vessel but can be viewed from the same position when water is poured into the vessel ?

1 2883

can we use kgs instead of kg? why?

3 4417

What is Gravitational Force and why is everything being attracted towards Earth instead of other Planets.Can you describe in Terms of IT field when it comes to Network Topology?

3 7784

a person carrying a bucket of water will leans towards his left why?

5 11042

how does a medicine is filled in dropper

1 5962

what happens when an object travels in the speed of light hits another object?

3 4548

which type of component is transformer

2 3012

i applied airports authority of india in jr ATC .please inform how to read &what's syllabus i preparing is best.u send previous papers in mail...


if an ice cube place in a beaker contained water for some time,wether the quantity of water inside the beaker increases?

Kerala Public Service Commission,

5 5842

What is the difference between emf & current

1 4692

Dear Sir, I have completed B.Sc(M.P.C) in Nagarjuna University. Now, I have to do Distance Education in M.Sc (Electronics or Electronics & Instrumentation). Please Provide the Details of these Cource offering Universites in Andhra Pradesh.

1 2593

When the letters of an opposite side board are found in a mirror as reverse,why the same is not shown as up and down?

1 2859

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Un-Answered Questions { General Physics }

Why does heated air expand?


Which is heavier the land mass or the sea?


On an electric schematic, what does the symbol of a horizontal line interrupted by a saw tooth shaped line represent?


What is the weight of automotive oil?


How do you calculate tensile strength?


how to figure cubic feet of concrete using English measurements?


What evidence is there supporting the big bang theory?


why copper is a bad conducter at low temperature?


assuming g = 9.8 m/sec2, what is the weight on earth, in newtons, of a 60 kilogram person?


What is centrifugal force?


State 'law of machines'?


What is acoustics?


Explain how do you separate hydrogen and oxygen gases in industrial electrolysis of water process?


What is the translucent?


Name the element which has the simplest absorption spectrum?