what is DataContractSerializer?
What is LINQ and why to use it?
What are the types of parameters in c#?
Suppose you have already existing application with Visual Studio 6 (VB 6, InterDev 6) and this application utilizes Windows 2000 COM+ transaction services. With this example how can you approach migrating this application to .NET?
How do I edit headers?
What are the advantage of remoting over web services?
What is __ requestverificationtoken?
What Is The Difference Between The System.array.copyto() And System.array.clone()?
Explain how you can manage archive settings in Microsoft Outlook?
how to write html code with ssl
Where is the audio format tab in powerpoint?
How do I create a cross reference in word?
How do you customize in excel?
How do you sync audio and slides in powerpoint?
How do I use goal seek in excel?