QTP Interview Questions
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QTP identified the object but not performing the desired action???what could be the reason?????


1 4038

Hi, I have a login page. To login in that page I need to have a valid username and password, which is stored in database. I imported that table to my DataTable in QTP (Global sheet). Now I need to write a code in qtp so that I can login only with valid username and data. my condition is : I want to get username and password from inputbox(which i did) and click on login button- which should verify the datatable for username and password and if value is present only then lofin else stop the testing. DataTable contains columns : LoginName and Password Code: Rowcount= DataTable.GetSheet("Global").GetRowCount msgbox "RowCount= " &RowCount,1 CurrentRow= DataTable.SetCurrentRow(1) Do Browser("").Page("").Frame("Frame").WebEdit("ctl10$ct l00$ctl00$UserName$ctl").Set DataTable("LoginName",1) Browser("").Page("").Frame("Frame").WebEdit("ctl10$ct l00$ctl00$Password$ctl").Set DataTable("Password",1) Browser("").Page("").Frame("Frame").Link("Login").Cli ck CurrentRow=CurrentRow+1 Loop Until CurrentRow>Rowcount Can anyone help? Thanks, Priya

3 4030

When I click on a link in web page.Link should open in new window.can anyone please let me know the script for this ---Koti



difference between do while and do until ?


3 6848

where do you store the test result?


2 6993

what type of frame work used in your company?


2 5338

i have batch scripts in qtp and i want to update the status like pass/fail in excel sheet after excecuting the every script in batch.how to write the script for this?


1 5584

what is the script for keyword driven framework in real time?plz its urgent

Accenture, CTS,

1 4301

I have one question as HP QTP is concern, Please send your answers..... Can we do testing of any application without using any of the framework which are we used in QTP tool. If yes then how it can be possible in the HP QTP tool. -- Regards


5 7990

I'm having a problem to get the status(pass or fail) during runtime for every iteration ran, and must get the results stored to an excel sheet if possible.


1 5100

how to explain a claims and insurance project?


Need one Urgent help please,for ex: first time i created Local reposory and convert that local to shared Rep and save in some where(by using Export local objetcs), unfortunately that saved repository is missed, now i want same repository,but iam not able to export the same repository second time?? i need that Repository only how to get???


2 4096

Hi,i have 3 years of experience in manual and Automation qtp.present i am searching for job in automation qtp 2Yrs,How to Explain the interviwer Roles and Responsibilites.please help me.

1 3275

Explain roles and responsibilites of 2yrs Automation qtp engineer.


3 9080

Distinguish between manual testing and automation testing


2 5501

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If u r using library files (Instead of Check Points) , How do u do bitmap check ?


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An action has both shared and local or associated to it and both have the same object in them. In the test which one will be considered?


how to test Web application using QTP software


Hi All, How to get repeated word in string . Thanks Balaji


how to explain a claims and insurance project?