QTP Interview Questions
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Through array we can execute the testcase how ? give me example



Is it possible to change the extension of Shared object repository?

2 3905

how to test a java project throughqtp?while testing a vb project we generally do vb scripting. but while testing java project do we use java script .plz some one can send me the manual for it my email roy_samata@yahoo.com thanks in advance

1 2816

if our qtp vb Script may be Currepted then What we want do?



I have a web table,in that web table in 3rd row 4th coloumn i have a link how to click it with descriptive programming? I have a webedit without entering any value how to calculate the size of that field? I have a DB table , how to find the 5th highest salary? write query.

3i Infotech,

2 9140

What is the use of breakpoint in qtp?


4 15848

how to click on object? (with out knowing the object details) for ex: in a webpage one link is available.i want to click that link by using one menthod through qtp?


3 6692

Hi, Can any one explain what is mean by Driver Script? is it AOM?


4 8817

want to learn real time automation project(QTP)?

1 5332

Whenever we r keeping mouse pointer under the image we r getting image name. In qtp how can we do this thing.weather that name is coming or not?

5 6785

any body want to learn qtp with real time concept on Banking domain contact ciraaj@gmail.com

1 4090

How To Export The Screen Shoots Along With The Test Reports In QTP Version 10? Thanks In Advance SenthilKumar

1 2617

There r 1000 rows and 1000 coloums , in that I want pickup a name of the coloumn , pls dont say in sql statements , in interview one of the interviewer said it was a wrong answer pls any send me answer its urgent

1 3348

write string reverse prog using vb script with out using string reverse statement();

4 7069

In qtp what type of data tables are used , name and list out them


1 4960

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

what is the frame work in J-meter?


Why script error occur in between recording in qtp?


How to test the login page in different ways in automation testing and i need code?


How will you handle java tree in qtp?


I need Major Help with a Script I recorded in QTP 9.5. I am recording scripts for a Web-based application(s) I have all the URLs for each application in Excel spreadhsheet so that QTP can pull that particular application from the spreadsheet and run it. The problem is QTP isn't recognizing one particular URL so when I hit run in QTP to run this script it opens the internet Explorer but isn't open the URL I have in the Excel spreadsheet. I've retyped the URL and still QTP won't open this Particular one for some reason. The site its self is working fine but for whatever reason QTP won't open it. How do I resolve this? I have a deadline of next Friday the 7th to complete this task so please help me in any way you can. Thanks in advance


What are some test assets and related extensions of qtp?


Explain QTP using different development techniques ?


I AM TRYING PORT CODE FROM WINRUNNER TO QTP AND DON'T KNOW TO HOW TO CHECK THE ERRORS. IN WINRUNNER FUNCTION RETURNS EIGHER 0 OR -1 AGAINST WHICH RESULT CAN BE MADE PASS OR FAIL BUT IN QTP I DON'T SEE FUNCTIONS RETURNING ANY VALUE. APPRECIATE IF ANYONE COULD HELP ME CONVERTING FOLLWOING WINRUNNER CODE TO QTP. set_window("Customer Service"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Summary","#2","#4",ssn,""," ",1); if (rc != E_OK) { report_msg("[GetSubscriberSummary] Could Not get subscriber SSN; rc = "&rc); myRC = rc; } else { ssn = StripBlank(ssn); if (DEBUG) report_msg ("[GetSubscriberSummary] SSN: "&ssn); }


hi all can any body explain how to write the script for finding the mandatory fields which are having [red Astrik sign (*)]


What is qtpro? What is a quick test professional?


What are the views available in qtp?


How to creating an output value using quicktest professional?


Explain how qtp identifies objects?


Explain runtime dynamic settings?


Explain measuring transaction.