QTP Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Mandatory and BaseFilter Properies..Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance


3 14779

Give me Example for Generic Functions in QTP Framework....Anybody please answer me..Thanks in Advance


3 15457

can u explain about QTP Frameworks? what are the framework types are available? and How to set or create frame work for a application? Explain briefly?(Also give me one example)

1 2695

Can U Explain about QTP tool from older version to latest version also its differences?


For what purpose to we use object repository in a application?also explain usage of obj.repository?

3 4821

banking domain description for software tester for interview

Semantic Space,


diff between qtp versions from 8.5

Semantic Space,


banking project description for software tester

Semantic Space,


How to Practice QTP Scripts?

1 10553

Hi , I am facing issue QTP 10.0 with oracle ERP 11i .When QTP opens,click sub links on ERP ,FORM is not opening getting unexpected Internet explorer error message with send or don't send report.So unable to work with forms using QTP.


Can we write class for vb script in Quick Test Professional?

JPMorgan Chase,

2 11135

in my system object spy show the web application as a window based propeties ex:winedit like that and also not recording scripts also so what should i do

2 3591

HI All i need one suggestion.is there any companies taking corresponding degree courses. i have 3+ yrs exp in QTP and i am working north side. iam looking for job in south.

1 2509

Can we install QTP on remote server and access it as a web application on other system (client place)? If so please let me know. Thanks in advance, Ravi

2 4498

Hi Guys, I want to place all of my values which i am getting it from a loop in to a global shee. For that i had written the script like this For i = 1 to ECOs-1 ECO = List(i).GetROProperty("innertext") DataTable.AddSheet("ECOList") DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").AddParameter "ECOList",ECO AbortECO = DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").GetParameter ("ECOList").Value msgbox AbortECO DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow Using the above script, whenever the loop iterates it is creating new column "ECOLIST" in the sheet called "ECOLIST". It means, the values are displaying in the column wise even though i added the script " DataTable.GetSheet("ECOList").SetNextRow" . The cursor is not moving to the next line. Anybody help me out how to pass the values from script to the excel(Global/Local) sheet. Pls let me know @ nbabu11@gmail.com if you are not clear about the question.


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How do you know the location Id of an object if you know its index id?


When and why to use descriptive programming?


give me the code to save all messages of inbox of gmail into a folder and notepad


How can i use virtual objects? If have i created one new virtual object in a virtual object manager by following instructions.


How can we extract data like "Details","Result","Time" from the 'Run Error' result generated in QTP after run time errors are generated during a run & import the details etc...into excel sheet


Functions call by reference and call by value. i want the diff b/n these 2 and how will be the script for this?in which situation we use these 2..?pls explain me clearly


Hi, I have 2 dropdown listboxes called region and city/area. It needs to select one region(Santa Clara) and one city/Area (Sunnyvale).So I put this in the for loop and I am storing the Items in the variable called itemname. The regions value will get changed,so I used reg expression for this regions. This is my code Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").Link("ยป County/Area").Click Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Check CheckPoint("regions") ListSize=Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetTOProperty("items count") For i = 1 To ListSize-1 Itemname =Browser("MLSListings.com").Page ("MLSListings.com").WebList("regions").GetItem(i+1) Browser("MLSListings.com").Page("MLSListings.com").WebList ("regions").Select Itemname ................. If I run the script,I am getting the following error, Cannot identify the specified item of the regions object. Confirm that the specified item is included in the object's item collection. Any Help? Thank you, Uma


An object is non standard object, i mapped it to standard object, eventhogh on mapping to standard object i cannot use the methods available on the standard object with the mapped object. How i can use those standard object methods with these mapped object. (((Note : dont tell that we can use virtual object as virtual object is to map nonstandard obj to standard obj)))


"What are the common constrains that we need to consider when we prepare testcases for ASP application". Thanks in Advance...


how u will evaluate the tool for test automation?


What is the difference between call to existing action and copy of an action?


Is the qtp course will help to create a virtual object?


What are the advantages of parameterization ?


What are the different properties of an web object


Explain the concept of object repository and how quicktest professional recognises objects?