JavaScript Code Interview Questions
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write a program segment that will ask the user if he wants to computer the perimeter of the area of the triangle. if the perimeter is wanted, ask the measure of the three sides and compute for the perimeter. if the area is wanted, ask for the measures of the base and height and compute for the area. display the computed value

1 6462

i am making a purchase sheet in html ,it contain names of product(by selecting checkboxes),quantity(textbox) and price(checbox), by using java script i am restricting the user to prevent them to enter the wrong data ,so i made the servlet were i am only able to prevent them to enter the page in empty field , so my doubt is how do you prevent them how to enter non numerical data in quantity field


2 4388


how do i make the calculator work now

1 3212

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Un-Answered Questions { JavaScript Code }

how to create a Custom Scrollbar


sample code to auto focusing the first field in a form


code to positioning of window in certain dimensions


how to copy form data between different pages


program to show a progress bar


code to get the coordinates of a Click Event


How to encode and decode URL strings?


how to pass data between pages using Cookies


How to block double clicks


code to images to rollover


code to create a new window


how to transform XML Data into HTML


I have a doubt regarding including tags in a function. I have written a function in javascript in a html page. The function got called by clicking a button, i want to display the results in same html page by placing tags in the function. (this hmtl page is static page) Is this possible? example: