i have some csv files in a directory which have sub-directories also. now how can i merge all .csv files in to one with a single header. for example: have some 4 files. 1.csv--------name,age,sal abc,25,4000 2.csv--------name,age,sal vgd,32,3500 3.csv--------name,age,sal hfg,20,5000 4.csv--------name,age,sal asd,15,2000 now my output file should be like 5.csv----------name,age,sal abc,25,4000 vgd,32,3500 hfg,20,5000 asd,15,2000 and please explain the code for me. as i am new to scripting. thank you in advance
Given a N by N matrix of both negative and positive integers. Write an efficient algorithm to find the sub-matrix with the largest sum of all the contained elements.
maximizing the main window
code to detect availability of cookies
Which framework is best in php among Smarty, Cakephp, Joomla, Drupal, Zend or Something else...? If any then Why?
Write a python program to check if a number is a palindrome or not?
How can manage theme in php?
How to encode and decode URL strings?
I am attempting to work on a game panel with multi-server support, so in one of the pages there is a dropdown menu with servers on it, this is the part i am having issues with is server 1 is chosen i need access to the username running a script to server 1 chosen i need a script that will realize its been chosen and pop up below with a username thats associated with it because the users differ on each server so i choose server 1 i need a code to pull from the db and choose the user associated with the said server please help..
What is XPath in XML?
How can a procedure fetch data from FTP? I need a general code for this..
What are the features of XML?
What is the meaning of version in XML?
snippet to prevent submission of form when certain/any validations got failed
Can we have empty XML tags?
what is main difference between array_push and array_pop?