Code Snippets Interview Questions
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write a c program to Create a registration form application by taking the details like username, address, phone number, email along with password and confirm password (should be same as password).Ensure that the password is of 8 characters with only numbers and alphabets. Take such details for 5 users and display the details. In place of password display “****”. (Use Structures).

CDAC, College School Exams Tests,


Write a program that reads a dynamic array of 40 integers and displays only even integers

2 4502

main(){int a=5,b 10,c=2, d;a=b c;d=++a=(--c)*2; printf("%d%d%d%d,a,b,c,d; return o;}

1 3866

IS Array list is generic or non generic

1 3642

void main() { int x,y=2,z; z=(z*=2)+(x=y=z); printf("%d",z); }

4 7449

write a program that reads a series of strings and prints only those strings begging with letter "b"


Write a Program that Inputs 10 Numbers in an Array and Show the Maximum Number

Ace Info,

2 4082

Write a C program that defines a 2-dimentional integer array called A [50][50]. Then the elements of this array should randomly be initialized either to 1 or 0. The program should then print out all the elements in the diagonal (i.e. a[0][0], a[1][1],a[2][2], a[3][3], ……..a[49][49]). Finally, print out how many zeros and ones in the diagonal.

2 5680

develop a program to calculate and print body mass index for 200 employees

Jomo Kenyatta University,


write a program that prompt the user to enter his height and weight,then calculate the body mass index and show the algorithm used

Jomo Kenyatta University,


write a program that calculate the volume of cylinder after user enters radius and height and show the algorithm used

Jomo Kenyatta University,

1 9671

write a program to calculate the radius for a quadratic equation use modular programming(function abitraction)hint use quadratic function

ICAN, Jomo Kenyatta University,

1 3918

write a program to convert temperature from fa height into celcius and vise versa,use modular programming

Jomo Kenyatta University,


write a program to calculate the amount of investment after a period n years if the principal investors was p and interest is calculated using compound interest,formular=a=p(1+r)^n

Jomo Kenyatta University,


program for check the given number is prime or not in


Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

Reading which Non-Character Key was pressed


What is the functionality of SetForegroundWindow?


Write a function that takes an integer and returns the smallest number that is greater than the given number which is a palendrome. For example, if the input was 111 the next palindromic number would be 121.


Can I replace HTML with XML?


What is the coding about how to recognize color in fuzzy logic using Matlab R2009b?


How can manage theme in php?


Why XSLT is important for XML?


Create a ViewState Property?


snippet to prevent submission of form when certain/any validations got failed


How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


I have a doubt regarding including tags in a function. I have written a function in javascript in a html page. The function got called by clicking a button, i want to display the results in same html page by placing tags in the function. (this hmtl page is static page) Is this possible? example: