Manual Testing Interview Questions
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what is STUB & DRIVERS ?

6 6749

oracle table A havng one million records. write 10 test cases to test data?


1 4276

i live in australia and i have come to india for holiday and i want to give my ISTQB exam so which is preferrable?giving exam in INDIA /AUSTRALIA?Does it really matters?


1 3004

What are the possible Test cases for Save in M.S word ?

R Systems,

3 26350

what is user interface testing?

4 6695

hi i am vishal, i have done and now i am intreasted to go for software testing can any1 suggest me how to star and allwhich will help me to make astrong carrer in automation testing.

2 3622

what is the difference between developer testing and tester testing?

4 6098

what is meant by test strategy?

2 4998

I need a good book on manual testing.Is the book by nageswara rao good.I need to learn from basic to advanced.

1 7541

Wat Is Configuration management and were we store all our testcases and Test data everything related to project for testing how we come to know abt the changes made in the modules and srs plz explain me the detail process for the abve if possible were to get the tutorial for all these cvs tool

Ness Technologies,

3 5269

Hi I am preparing for a Software testing interviews and i have attended 4 interviews but i didnt succeeded any of those 4 due to the lack of real time experience can any body please suggest a institute who will train for real time scenarios with good project? in CHENNAI

2 3556

Define Deployment and User Acceptance.


2 4646

if we have 1000 web pages site. what technique is used to test the functionality of unchanged component in the regression testing. if there is no option of Automation Testing?

Aloha Technology,

1 5934

1)does we need any web server for executing web application or project. 2)do we need any web server to run a build

1 3074

what exactly done parallely in v-model with verification.

2 3475

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i looking for the software testing job with the exp of (1.5 yrs ), if anybody knows how to approach the companies ,pls let me know , possible que which will be asked in interview ? pls send me sample resume for testing ....pls do the favour as soon as posible .


Why performance testing is performed? What are tools of performance testing?


Describe your experiences with code analyzers.


What will be the testcase for a uniquely generated number in the application?? i mean to say is, how will i conform the application is generating a unique value.... please do answer...


What is bug, deffect, issue, error?


what are the status have in QC(Test Management Tool). and how you report?


what are the prerequisite conditins to test clientserver and web applications


Can you explian $ pillar of Agile


aplitue questions will be based on wich type ?


Can any one suggest how to write the bug reports effectively by optimizing what we want to describe?


What is desk checking and control flow analysis


Test cases for Internal IP Messenger


Are there more defects in the design phase or in the coding phase?


What is testing and maintenance?


What if the project isn’t big enough to justify extensive testing?