Manual Testing Interview Questions
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Is there any opening for Manual testing for 0-1 yrs?


Is Alpha testing done by developers or testers?

8 10978

Is Beta Testing done by devolopers or testers?

8 8878

Training for Manual/QTP Testing from 6 years MNC experience engineer, working in Patni with Project .Guranteed Job training else fee back in Mumbai-mail-- >amol.dhumalatrediffmail dot com


What is Defect Leakage?What Gap Analysis? What are the functioanl requirements to test the Software? What is Latency bug?

Tavant Technologies, Yardi,

3 19072

If you are not able to reproduce one defect then what will be the status of that defect in your defect tracking tool?

5 8625

hai friends, I need clarifications for some doubts in testing terminology. 1.What is thread testing. 2.What is bucket testing and which automated tool is used to do this test. 3. ERP testin automation testing. 4.What is Data Warehousing testing? 5.What is Implementation testing? 6.What is Shake out testing? please let me have the clarifications in detail



Is Alpha Testing done by Testers or Developers?

9 9375

What is Test harness?

3 5634

What is XML Testing? Do we have any tools to test the XML? Please let me know.


What is the difference between functional test cases and business test cases?

2 8199

What is Junit and bash testing

1 3883

I need a brief decsrpition on How to test borwser compatabilty and O.S compatibity? Wat are the techniques to test? TIA

3 5319

We r developing one Web Site for construction company. In that Web site we have different option like About Us,Contact Us,Home,Sites,Site Map,Search Etc........ and front page of that web application contains 6 different pictures means single page contain 6 pics etc... write Test plan ,Test Scenarios,Test Case ....Plz answer this question ASAP

5 5620

Can anybody send me sample test case for GUI testing for a web page? for eg Homepage

1 8605

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

What is an mr?


What are the basic forms of variations?


How would u test and automate an Antivirus application ?


What is sanity?


What are the interview question on insurance domain in manual testing


how will the test plan is pepared in ur organisation>?


can someone give me a brief idea about embedded testing.. i know both embedded system concepts and testing concepts.. i just want to know what we have to do for embedded testing


What is performance tuning? What are tools of performance testing?


Presently working in software company as a software test engineer with 1.5 yrs of experience but i am 2002 passout.Gap is 6 yrs.Is there any problem getting job in MNC? Which criteria HR follows for recruiting test engineer?


After insert the record in front-end, how will you check the back end by manually? Please explain?


A defect which could have been removed during the initial stage is removed in a later stage. How does this affect cost?


What is mean by Schedule report who is the responsible for generated that one ?


List the type of testing perform to test microsoft excel 2003 give atleast 1 example of each type


What is integration level testing?


How will you prepare traceability matrix if there is no Business Doc and Functional Doc?