When ip confliction accord in subnet which ip assigned automatically and what it called?
Mention what BOOTP is?
What is the terminal emulation?
Which protocol used before part of ccna?
In which protocol supenetting is enable by default?
What is default packet size of ipv6?
What does aaa stands for?
What is default size of hello packets in ospf?
Which command we give for see routing table?
Your company has been assigned the IP address of and require having 20 subnets. As the company’s network administrator, find the following: a) the subnet mask (2 marks) b) the number of useable subnets (2 marks) c) the subnetwork address for the 4th subnet (2 marks) d) the first usable IP address for the 4th subnet (2 marks) e) the last usable IP address for the 4th subnet (2 marks) f) the broadcast address for the 4th subnet. (2 marks)
In IPSec what is SAD, SPD and SA's?
What are 10base5 ethernet lans?
Explain what is formula of hold down time of eigrp protocol?
Can you explain the basic of encryption in VPN?
What is hold down time formula of ospf?