Explain the use of activex control in .net?
What is a windows process in .net?
What relationship is between a process, application domain, and application?
State the various features present in .NET?
What does cil do?
What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
Compare & contrast rich client (smart clients or windows-based) & browser-based web application
How to use datagrid value in select statements where condition ,if cell is hyperlink bounded column?
What is an anonymous method and how is it different from a lambda expression?
Please explain what is the difference between odbc and ado?
Explain how to spawn a thread?
Explain what is the difference between encrypting a password and applying a hashing?
Can a try block have more than one catch block?
What is STA in .NET?
If a dataset contains 100 rows, how to fetch rows between 5 and 15 only?