About Assembly in .NET, types of assemblies, their difference, How to register into GAC. How to generate the strong names & its use ?
6 19811Post New Dot Net Framework Questions
In .net compact framework, can we free memory explicitly without waiting for garbage collector to free the memory?
Describe the roles of clr in .net framework.?
What are actions in asp.net mvc?
How does the 'page lifecycle' of asp.net mvc works?
How to answer for project questions..?
Are there any parts of the .net framework 3.0 that only work on windows vista?
What is the use .Glimpse in ASP.Net MVC
How OS come to know whether to load the .net framework when we run an .exe created using .Net framework?
When will the .net framework 3.0 be released?
How does �side by side� work for the .net framework 3.0?
mention what is code first approach and model first approach in entity framework?
What is rxjava used for?
How we can call a JavaScript function on the change of a Dropdown List in ASP.Net MVC?
What is the difference between viewbag and viewdata in mvc?
What are the versions of .net framework?