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MGL Interview Questions
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How will you load dynamic assembly? How will create assemblies at run time?

3 9714

Dear All, Can anybody tell me how to predefind no. of selected rows from a text file.

1 4534

whst is encapsulation?when u encpsulate actually while devoloping code?

7 8239

what is the messsage u r going to get from an objectoriented programing?


difference between at selection-screen and at selection-screen output?

4 27653

Write the relation between EER , COP , SEER in airconditioning?

1 7354

you have to select fourth vendor no in basic list go to open new list ( secondary list) . what is the coding in interactive report ?.. tell me the coding clearly plz?...

1 3725

How part payment will be done in app is it possible if possible how and if not how?

2 5555

while we using change capture stage we have to be take two table thats are 1.before table 2. after table . what is before table and after table please give me clear notation Thank You very much in advance

2 7187

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How to embedded the links in mail forms


Explain the difference between xylem and phloem?


Hello, Using Visual Studio 2005 (VB) I am working to create a Web Site implementing the following: Within a gridView I have placed a dropdownlist control with a DataSourceID="SDSLkupList". SDSLkupList is a sqlDataSource used to store a lookup list for dropdownlist translation from ID to text. SDSLkupList contains the translation text and other fields related to the dropdown selection ID. (Thought it would be efficient to get everything at the same time.) I would like to provide the user the ability to select from the dropdownlist and, based on the selection, use labels to list related columns stored on the SDSLkupList in separate gridView columns. I have read that SqlDataSources are not meant to be used for individual controls. Since SDSLkupList contains all related information, is there a way to do a find using the dropdownlist selectedValue? (I was not able to discover one.) Otherwise, what should I use? It would need to set the labels on the gridView DataRowBound event as well as the SelectedIndexChanged events. Has anyone done this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance. Neal


The transaction should not be displayed in User Easy access menu. How to do user auditing in sap? What will u audit?


Can we set session value in javascript?


Explain About Global.asax


Explain how many exceptional condition can be given in a handle condition?


What is the difference between COM and CORBA?


Is the aws route 53 free?


What is rollup and cube?


What is activex control in vb?


What is resource governor?


whats KPI and kinds of KPIs


Could anyone please share SAP SD Support Project's Priority tickets with detailed solutions ?


How does rest web service work?