Write a C# program to find the Factorial of n
How can you force derived classes to provide new method implementations for virtual methods?
You are creating a custom usercontrol, some of the newly created properties are shown in the properties window. How you can hide a new property named theme from the properties window?
Can properties be static in c#?
What is lastindexof c#?
Why do we need abstract class?
What is xamarin used for?
Is string mutable in c#?
What is the difference between returning iqueryable vs ienumerable?
Write the syntax for catching an exception in c#?
What is difference between ienumerable and iqueryable in c#?
What is option parameter in C#?
Do extension methods have to be static?
Explain Direct CAST vs CType ?
What's the difference between system.string and system.text.stringbuilder classes?