Client Server General Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Client-server Computing?

2 7619

What is a Client process?

3 6112

What is a Server process?

1 4895

What is a Two-Tier Architecture?

1 4656

What is a Three-Tier Architecture?

2 6349

What is Middleware?

2 5371

What is Cooperative Processing?

2 6276

What is Distributed Processing?

1 4248

What is an "Intranet"?

1 4682

What are the characteristics of client/server architecture?


3 48484

What are the different types of servers?

5 10934

What are the different client/server processing styles?


What is distributed or remote presentation?


What is Remote Data Management?

1 5796

What is distributed function processing?

1 4791

Post New Client Server General Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Client Server General }

What are 5 common uses of nitrogen?


What is oltp in client server environment?


Examine the specification for NFS version 2 and 3 what are the chief difference? Does version 3 make any changes that are visible or important to a programmer?


What is an object server in client server environment?


Which is the best example of a polysaccharide?


I have source having single column C1 RAM KRISHNA I have to load that data in to one target . that target contain two columns C1 and C2 I want the out put like C1 C2 RAM KRISHNA that means in 1st column RAM and Second column Krishna ok by using informatica only . single space in between ram krishna in soucre column ok?


The disruption of the three-dimensional shape of a protein by factors such as heat, acids, bases, and organic solvents, is called what?


What are the 4 physical states of matter?


What are the disadvantages of infrared technology?


Carbohydrates are made of what three elements?


Which has the same electron configuration as neon?


How many significant figures are there in the number 0.0036?


Many of the groups of elements in the periodic table have acquired common names. The elements in group ia, with the exception of hydrogen, are called what?


What is the function of mitochondria?


Fish in an aquarium require oxygen to live, which is usually done by pumping air into the fish tank using a mechanical pump. If all other things remain constant, the most effective transfer of oxygen to water comes from?