Why address bus is unidirectional and data bus is bidirectional?
What is 8251?
State the number and type of registers in the 8086?
Explain what type of architecture is used in 8085 microprocessor?
What is the difference between jmp and call?
In how many groups can the signals of 8085 be classified?
Which is non maskable interrupt for 8085?
Explain the 8051 microcontroller architecture?
Which interrupt is not level-sensitive in 8085?
Describe the instruction register of 8085?
After a pop instruction where does the stack pointer points?
Define the 8085 instruction format and their classification according to word size?
What is the function of ale in 8085 microprocessor?
Explain transmission gate-based d-latch?
What is the position of the stack pointer after the pop instruction?