What are important files in tdpsql?
while entering opening stock price whether we should enter the price including tax or excluding tax? since my new purchase value showing excluding tax in stock summary and opening stock showing including tax in stock summary...
what are the different types of storage pools?
how we can open the transient event list from the command line?
how to find last db backup file?
what will you do when volumes went offline?
how to checking process status by running the itnm_status command in itnm?
have you done upgradation for client machine?
how to restore tsm server database using dbs/incr/full database backups?
May i get job in ERP system for tcs,ibm,wipro
write the steps to start tbsm?
when do we need to use maxscratch parameter?
explain about drm tape states? How to change from one state to other?
how will you do the restore to a client system if you have access?