Suppose if you are using wep (wired equivalent privacy) password with backtrack then how you crack wi-fi network?
504Post New WiFi AllOther Questions
Explain what assets are available for wireless?
How uwb (ultra-wideband) is different from wi-fi?
What is the difference between wifi and mifi?
How uwb (ultra-wideband) different from bluetooth?
What are benefits of an ad-hoc network?
Suppose if you are setting up three wlans and want minimum interference over there then what are recommended channels?
What is uwb (ultra-wideband)?
What are wifi recommended channels?
What is ad-hoc in wi-fi?
Explain what is infrastructure in wi-fi?
Explain what does free wi-fi really mean?
Who are the providers of wi-fi?
What are the disadvantages of infrastructure network?
Which is faster 4G or Wi-Fi?
How to secure wireless network?