Situation: you want to create a prompt table dynamically for a specified field. How would you do that?
691Tell me what will be the output of an application engine to use component variables instead of state record?
678Situation: you want to use web application server with peopletools 8.1x and peopletools 8.4. How would you do that?
654Post New PeopleSoft Tools Questions
Does peopletools 8.4 support web server load balancing?
How to give access to the records that are to be used in a query?
Write the syntax to access third level record field using object oriented peoplecode?
Situation: you want to create a prompt table dynamically for a specified field. How would you do that?
Explain what is page meta data?
What is differed processing and its advantages?
When we select a component what events will be fired?
For the servlet layer on the web server, what version of the Java Servlet API are the PIA Java Servlets coded to with PeopleTools 8.4?
Explain how to creating prompt table dynamically for the specified field?
How to authorize the user to run a process or report?
How does the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal workwith 8.1x and 8.4 applications?
What is default processing?
What is maximum dimension of an array?
What is field meta data?
What is html & image meta data?