There are 1000’s of IDOCs in your system and say you no longer need some of them? How will you get rid of those IDOCs?
1493How is the table sorted when you do not specify field name and Ascending or Descending? On what criteria will the table be sorted? Do internal table have keys?
1648Post New SAP Interfaces Questions
Synchronous and asynchronous methods in BDC ?
What are the standard IDOC's used?
What do you mean by table control???Where will we use this?
What is the difference between Implicit Enhancements and Explicit Enhancements?
In realtime do we configure ALE systems or Administator will take care of that?
What is the difference between .Include Structure and .Append structure?
What is the difference between RFC and BAPI?
What are the types of Function Modules? What is an UPDATE function module?
What is the difference between BDC and BAPI?
What is the difference between User Exit and Function Exit?
What is the difference between AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT?
What is the difference between Customizing and Workbench request?
How to release an object?
What is the difference between INSTANCE methods and STATIC methods?
What do you mean by Inbound and Outbound interface?