We have a lot of size procedure here which is creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit value for the maximum number of mrp order proposals per date in img?
871We are trying to create purchase requisition from mrp run. We have material, info record, source list, demand in place. Mrp is always creating plan order. Why?
809If there are some errors in goods movements, and less stock of material consumed, how can we solve that problem in sap ?
754Post New SAP PP (Production Planning) Questions
Explain what is plm (product lifecycle management) in sap pp and what is the use?
What is recursive BOM
What is Auto GR?
Can anybody explain to me why the work scheduling view is required for semi-finished and finished products?
We need to do gi of components to production order using back-flush. The component stock is managed in batches. The batch to be back-flushed?
What is the transaction code to run MRP for sales order?
Define mrp controller
Explain Flexible Planning procedure or How many levels of Flexible planning.
We have a lot of size procedure here which is creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit value for the maximum number of mrp order proposals per date in img?
Explain transaction code KO88 or CO88.
Explain what is prt (production resource tools) in sap pp?
How system calculate the actual cost?
What is alternative BOM, or diff between BOM group and Group BOM?
What is a 'product hierarchy'?
What do we do in the realization phase?