What is reverse channels in cdma?
My router accepts only 1/4" shank bits. Yet many of the bits that I would like to use have a 1/2" shank. Why are there not more 1/4" shank bits available?
What is fram control?
What are the benefits of infrastructure network?
Which throughput is maximum tcp or udp?
Explain reverse traffic channels?
What is hard handover?
What is wps in gsm technology?
Do you know what is the difference between internet and isdn and is both are same or is there any specific difference?
What are the different power classes in bluetooth
What is the mean of power control in gsm technology?
What is Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)?
Explain Bridged networking?
What is tim?
Do you know for cdma, which is the weaker link: fwd or reverse? Why?