Explain what is bts? What are its different configurations and what is the power consumption/peak current for each of these types of bts?
742Tell me what is the layered architecture of the internet? In a wireless network, describe how each layer would be different from a wired network?
771Post New Telecom General Questions
Tell me what is the frequency range used for bluetooth in india?
In the early days of GSM the max TRX config was 4-4-4. Now that 6-6-6 is being used, using the signalling space for the extra required b/w, how does the signalling get managed?
Tell me what is the time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication?
Explain what kind of internet speed control facilities (exact name) do internet service provider use and is it possible to check internet speed of each individualconsumer like speedtest.net does?
Explain what is bts? What are its different?
What is bts? What are its different configurations and what is the power consumption/peak current for each of these types of bts?
Tell me at what frequency voice is sampled?
what are components of output power for BTS(WCDMA/UMTC)? and which power benefit users ? how users use this power ?
Explain the bts configuration 4+2+2?
What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-maskable interrupt?
What is mean by bts?
What is the total output power of an complete bts, in dbm and watts?
What is the different between CDU C and CDU A ?
How do you distinguish a DNS problem from a network problem?
Explain what is blackberry? Please make it clear for a layman?