Do you know in voip telephone witch part will convert data anolog to digital, digital to anolog?
703Post New VoIP IP Telephony Questions
Do you know in voip telephone witch part will convert data anolog to digital, digital to anolog?
Explain voip?
Is the system as reliable as the old-fashioned network?
Tell me voip test setup that you have for testing?
I am in business and would like to replace my corporations current pbx system with voip. Is this possible?
Explain how does voip work?
How can I use voip at home?
What is the biggest disadvantage to going voip with my home phone right now?
What is converged network?
Tell me how does voip work?
How does voip (voice over internet protocol) work? What makes it different from traditional phone service?
Explain the ipv6 address bit?
Explain what are the advantages to voip?
What kind of equipment do I need?
What is ip addresses range a,b,c,d,e?