Did you participate in any extra curricular activities? What for? Do you gain any thing out of it?
1368in case your mother is just house wife how much educated she is ? why she is not working ? what is her routine of the whole day ?
1225what view do you have towards the govt reservation policy, do you think it should be given on what criteria ? do you think reservation policy is an effective tool ?
1200is religion / community based attack justified like killing of Christians in Orissa / killing of muslim in gujrat /attack on bihari and u.p residents in assam and Maharashtra/ attack on Sikhs in j&k.. your view and what you would do to stop such attacks ?
1 1923
the important characters of the book the secret
organized football tournament if team walks out ground complaining about umpire
how do you plan any event ? such as preparing for a competetive examination
how you organize tasks for drama/cultural meet to raise funds ?? what will you do if trophy does not reach on the day of the final ??
how you organize a debate or arrange a seminar ??
what will you do if bridegroom party threaten to leave on the dowry issue ?
Have you ever had a conflict with the boss or professor? How did you resolve it?
how do you say that you are resourcefulness,self confidence,liveliness,human understanding,integrity,loyalty & unselfishness ??
why do you not believe in horoscope or astrology
Considering the recent mishaps in Navy, if your parents don’t allow you to join Navy how will you convince them?
Reasons and views on fall of currency value in India ?
Will India become a corruption-free country?
Why you have chosen an outdoor game rather than an indoor game
should women be granted permanent commision in army or not"? if yes than why?? if no than why??
what is reasons for communal riots