IBM AS400 AllOther Interview Questions
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Can anybody please tell me what is difference between SQL (STRSQL ) and WRKQRY .....?

3 18505

Hi All, Can any one give me a suggestion for below prob One job is in MSGW due to decimal dara error and I find out stmt error and Value in DMUP. but my file has millions of records.So how can i find out on which record the error was occured....?

3 9550

Hi friends i have i question please reply me asap. what would be coding in DDS and programing part for this condition suppose that i have three fields in the display file(subfile)which has 7 record format. Condition is ''The supplier LOT, ISSUED TO PROD and LINE GRP fields in display file(Subfile) will not be shown if their respective fields are blank/zero in the record formats WIM311FM and Record format WIM311FM. I want coding part in DDS and Programing. Please reply me as soon as posible.


1 4060

How I can read and display three fields in the record format DSPFM1 of the display file,while one field(using in one file) is NAME which is Key field in field reference file and another two fields are AGE and ROLL NO are using another file. Please send me coding part.


2 6554

Q.Hi All friends, I have one Question, I have three fields in display file SUP LOT, ISSUED to Prod and Line Grp. Field SUP LOT is mentioned in one field reference file WRSLT and key field as a key field LP.Fields ISSUED to PROD,Line GRP are mentioned in the another Field reference file WMDTF. So I want to read SUP LOT on the basis of key field LP from the first file WFSLTand then i want ot read another two fields ISSUED to DATE and LINE GRP from second file on the basis of SUP LOT, which i got from first file.Now i want to display these fields in the display file DSPWMMS. but Condition is that 'Supplier Lot,ISSUED to Prod and Line Grp will not be shown if their respective fields are blanks/Zero. Please Let me Know coding part of this senerio and what would be coding for display file to now shown fields if fields are blanks/zero. My mob. no. is 9836300345. Please reply me asap.


1 3277

Hi Friends, I need immediately answer for this: Senario is that,I am selecting records from the display and window subfile on the basis of Reason Code and some more fields but spool file not showing the same records which i have selected by display and window subfile. Q.What could be the causes(resons)to not show records properly (just selected in the display file and Window subfile)according the selection criteria of the records. Q.What would be the solutions to show records properly in the spool file just as selected in in the display file and window subfile according to the selection criteria.


1 3867

Q1. How to use signature in service program and ILE.? Q2.what is use of signature and binder language and what is the relation between them?


2 31553

Any change in service program we write binder language to allow signature change,What is the maximum number of signature change allowed in RPGLE?

Syntel, Tech Mahindra,

3 9019

we have 2 PF files with same name, how to copy data's from one file to another through RPG program logic?

3 18191

I have 1 rd in my flat file. say reord from 1 to 10 position : 'AS400NDB2400' I need to change the value from N to Y using SQL stmt ...How can I update this....?

5 7933

If login Screen has been modified by adding current date to be displayed. What Step to be followed to Keep that date as Current date Note: If no steps taken then it will display only the compilation date


2 5666

Is LDA can be access accross the Job?

9 12594

What is the difference between keys of a Physical file and the keys of a logical file?

Bank Of America, BoA,

2 8851

What are the steps to retrieve the records from Journal file...?

1 10924

STRTCPFTP command is used to start FTP in CL Language (ILECL)....can u plz tell me which command is used to start SFTP in CL language(ILECL)?

1 10702

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Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 AllOther }

What is the draw back of Procedures? why we are going to Modules?


what is the necessary keyword for non-join logical file?


how can database records be read without lock ?


how can I start a page in a new window?


how may a cgi control duplicate inputs?


when do you explicitly open files and close files in an rpg program?


what are the various types of device files?


what is the clp command to access a query/400?


how many specifications are there in rpg/400? What are they?


the output from my cgi is correctly interpreted by ms internet explorer, whereas netscape navigator would display it as a plain text. What should I do to have also netscape interpreting the html output from my cgi?


what is a composite key?


In 'o' Specs What Is The Opcode For Write?


where will control be passed after the execution of the *pssr subroutine if the factor2 of the endsr is blank ?


which are the query selection criteria, which can be given in a query?


Service Program : S1 Modules in S1 : M1 M1 having two procedures : ADD, SUB Current Binder Language STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") ENDPGMEXP Doubt: I need to add one new Module to the Service Program M2 having one procedure ‘MULT’ How to add this new module to the service program S1 ? If I need to recreate the service program again, Do I need to mention the Module M1 again while recreating along with new Module M2? There is no Binding Directory. Binder language structure will be like this STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*CURRENT) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") EXPORT SYMBOL("MULT") ENDPGMEXP STRPGMEXP PGMLVL(*PREVIOUS) EXPORT SYMBOL("ADD") EXPORT SYMBOL("SUB") ENDPGMEXP