C++ General Interview Questions
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What you mean by early binding and late binding? How it is related to dynamic binding?

1 550

What is meant by reference variable in C++?

1 549

How to create a reference variable in C++

1 560

What are the difference between reference variables and pointers in C++?

1 541

What will the line of code below print out and why?


What is the error in the code below and how should it be corrected?


What will i and j equal after the code below is executed? Explain your answer.

1 555

What are the different data types present in C++?

1 736

What are class and object in C++?

1 653

Compare compile time polymorphism and Runtime polymorphism

1 502

What do you know about friend class and friend function?

1 546

Define inline function

1 563

What is a reference in C++?

1 640

What do you mean by abstraction in C++?

1 538

What do you mean by call by value and call by reference?

1 521

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Un-Answered Questions { C++ General }

Why is main function important?


What is the difference between the parameter to a template and the parameter to a function?


What is lazy initialization in c++?


What does override mean in c++?


What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?


Explain data encapsulation?


What are the uses of c++ in the real world?


Can circle be called an ellipse?


Should the this pointer can be used in the constructor?


A prime number is a number which is divisible only by itself and 1. Examples of the first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. Consider writing a program which can generate prime numbers for you. Your program should read in and set a maximum prime to generate and a minimum number to start with when looking for primes. This program should be able to perform the following tasks: 1. Read the maximum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes greater than this number. 2. Read the minimum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes less than this number. 3. Generate and print out every prime number between the maximum prime and minimum number specified by the user.


Why is it called c++?


Does there exist any other function which can be used to convert an integer or a float to a string?


What is c++ 11 and c++ 14?


What is data hiding c++?


What are the data types in c++?