IBM AS400 Interview Questions
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we are sending data of physical file to screen design and it is showing no record why?

NTT Data,

1 4485

Can anyone answer me when we will go for LF without key fields


4 6082

suppose there are 100 records and i want to read records between 60-70 how we can read this 10 records in rpg


2 5641

How to sort an array in descending in RPG

Google, TCS,

3 13911

i have 6 char field in program, but this field is using in all files i want to chage field size as 10 char , how can i do this except using *like defn...?


1 3869

Set on command is used for closed all opened files , initialize var and release resource , return cmd is used for return to calling program but my req. Is dnt close opened files and resource must released while doing transactions , how can i do this...?


Suppose we add one field in physical file and this physical file is used by several do we know which program is using that file? What are the impact analysis.

6 9412

How can we receive values from a called procedure in CL?

IBM, NTT Data,

1 4037

How can we receive values from a called procedure in RPG?

1 4189

Can we found a record existance in a file w/o reading the file?

Traitsys Technologies,

6 7265

If i change any file through application after entering data , how to check which file is updated through applications . For call stack we takes esc 3 then we chose 11..But What is answer of below qtn..?



We have seen no of parameter list but If we mention like this 'CALL PROGNAME PLIST ' how to know No of parameter name of program ?


2 3084

How to know message id (errorid) in msgfile when error is occurred on screen ? WRKMSF will display all error id but i want to know error id based on error msg only?

IBM, Ignis Technologies, SSR,

1 3939

what is the procedure and explain about real time scenario.

Adhoc Technologies, Hanuman Automation, HSBC, IBM,


How to handle duplicate error handling in RPG?


Un-Answered Questions { IBM AS400 }

What is a continuation triple?


Suppose I have a pf,it contains 5 members,how to access particular member data from logical file ?and what is the use of member in pf?


I have created a command that display Source file and library. Now i want that when i enter library name and press f4 on Source file, pgm should display all the PF- SRC's in that Library. For F4 option i have used Choice program but since only limited paramters are passed in Choice pgm i am not able to paas library name and further can't call a pgm that will display list of Source files. Below is the Code snippet for CMD type object :- CMD PROMPT('Source Scan for HUB Standard') PARM KWD(SOURCE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) RSTD(*YES) + VALUES(N A) MIN(1) + CHOICE('N,A') PARM KWD(SRCFILE) TYPE(FILE) RSTD(*NO) + PROMPT('SOURCE FILE') FILE: QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) RSTD(*NO) EXPR (*YES) + CHOICE(*PGM) + CHOICEPGM (XXXXXLIB/YYYPGM) QUAL TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) + SPCVAL((*LIBL)) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT ('Library') Below is the Choice pgm:- PGM PARM(&PARM1 &PARM2) DCL VAR(&PARM1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (21) DCL VAR(&PARM2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN (2000) IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + 21 1) = 'P')) THEN (DO) /* (%SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'C' *OR %SST (&PARM1 + */ CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') ENDDO IF COND(%SST(&PARM1 1 10) = 'CHOICE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 11 10) = 'SRCFILE ' *AND + %SST(&PARM1 21 1) = 'P') THEN (DO) CHGVAR VAR(&PARM2) VALUE('Name, F4 for List') CALL PGM(GTSQL) PARM ('XXXXLIB') return ENDDO Thanks in Advance for looking into.


what is the length of a variable in rpg?


what is a non-join logical file?


do you use message subfiles? What are the necessary keywords required coding a message subfile?


which indicator is used for read?


How to declare the pull button in AS/400..


How to change the batch job to interactive job?


what is the function of cpyf command?


What Does Lokup Does In Tables & Arrays?


when would you use or not use this approach?


How to write record if no field or the field are different in physical file in rpgle ?


how many maximum spaces could be given in o specs?


is there any way to dynamically merge other html scripts into a given html?