CICS Interview Questions
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how can we display negative sign in a map?


2 8545

DFHPI10 08 05/13/2009 05:47:14 FSCIBM SOAP message generation failed because of incorrect input (INPUT_STRUCTURE_TOO_SMALL ). Can anyone suggest how to handle this type of error?

1 5850

How do u know if a start command intiated a transaction or a terminal intiated a transaction


2 15373

If TDQs are selfdestructive then why they are used? AND Why TSQs are preferred over TDQs?


5 10296

Looking at an CICS module how would one will identify that it is pseudo or full conversational?


5 10985

Hai I have a VSAM file and there are two CICS pgms A and B both intends to update the file. How to code the program so that it does not under go a dead lock situation.

4 9113

what is mapfail and when we get this error? during send map or receive map?


3 17089

can there be multiple mapsets for a single program?

1 4189

What is TSQ and TDQ.what is the the difference? when you for tsq and when you go for tdq?

2 19774

How can u pass the control from one prog to another in CICS?

Cap Gemini,

10 15485

whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?

Cap Gemini, CGI, IBM,

7 12184

how to get 'time stamp' in cics prgms ,what is the syntax.

1 13655

What is the difference between receive and receivemap commands in CICS?

1 5646

I have to run a select query on DB2 table and show its data on CICS map. Please tell me.

2 6193

Can multiple CICS regions exist under one O/S?

2 5077

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Un-Answered Questions { CICS }

Explain the difference between link and xctl?


What are the terms cics generally means?


Explain the different ways of initiating transaction in cics?


how can you prevent more than one user from accessing the same transient data queue?


What does a cics translator do?


What is the pcp in the cics?


What is CICS ?


What does the 'cemt:cics' transactions do?


Define cedf?


what is eib, how is can be used?


Define ceci?


define the field with ic in the bms map.


What are the recoverable cics resources?


What is interval control?


Name the cics command that gives the length of twa area?