Ab Initio Interview Questions
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can we perform checkin and checkout through sandbox?


What is data mapping and data modelling?


What is the difference between check point and phase?


What is MAX CORE of a component?


What are the operations that support avoiding duplicate record?


What are the Types of parallelism in detail?


State the working process of decimal_strip function?


What is the function that transfers a string into a decimal?


How do you add default rules in transformer?


How do you improve the performance of a graph?


Explain PDL with an example?


State the first_defined function with an example?

1 6688

What are the Graph parameter?


What is the function you would use to transfer a string into a decimal?


explain checkin and checkout?


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Un-Answered Questions { Ab Initio }

What are the Types of parallelism in detail?


How can you force the optimizer to use a particular index?


Mention what the difference between “look-up” file and “look is up” in abinitio?


Explain what is sort component in abinitio?


Explain the ab initio etl tool in high level?


Have you used rollup component? Describe how.


How abinitio eme is segregated?


How can I run the 2 gui merge files?


What are the factors on which storage of data depends?


Why creation of temporary files depends on the value of MAX CORE ? How to use in abinitio graph? 10. What is the diff between abinitiorc and .abinitiorc files ? How to use in abinitio graph? 11. What is the use of allocate()? How to use in abinitio graph? 12. What is use of branch in EME ? 13. How you can break a lock in EME ? How can you lock a file so that only no one other than EME admin can break it ? How to use in abinitio graph? 14. When you should be using ablocal() ? How you can use ablocal_expr? How to use in abinitio graph? 15. Why you should not keep the layout as 'default' for input table component ? How to use in abinitio graph? 16. What is dynamic lookup ? How to use in abinitio graph? 17. What is dependent parameter ? How to use in abinitio graph? 18. What is BRE ? (Business Rule Environment - This is a recent addition in abinitio package) How to use in abinitio graph? 19.What is output index ? How to use in abinitio graph? 20. How you can track the records those are not getting selected from ‘select’ in reformat component ? How to use in abinitio graph? 21. Can we have more than one launcher process for a particular graph ? How about agent ? How to use in abinitio graph? 22. There are lot of new fuctions added in 2.15 , you can ask about them ? How to use in abinitio graph? 23. How can you run multiple instances of a graph in parallel? How to use


What are the components new in 2.14 compared to 1.8 and State the usage of the components?


What is the architecture of abinitio?


What is a partition and what are the different types of partition components in abinitio?


What will be the output when a file with 0 records is connected as input to a reformat and an output file? Note that in reformat we have assigned hardcoded values to output columns.


Hi friends, what are the new features in abinito3.0?