How do y read Sequential file from job control?
What kind of layouts does abinitio support?
What is surrogate key? Where we use it? Explain with examples.
What is the use of transformation?
Different ways a project can be moved to production ?...example ….export-import and Version control.
Differences between connected and unconnected lookup?
What are the different options associated with dsjob command?
Explain how can we do load testing for webi reports? (Example if I have have to test one webi report for concurrent users refreshing report at one time)?
What is the difference between star and snowflake schemas?
disign the complex job in u r project?(they are aksing only complex job design and then data flow...)
i have one file i saved in csv how can i take these file into framework manager
name the function which is used to serialize the ti process?
Which is the database redshift is using?
What is meant by lookup transformation?
How can we increase the loading performance of oracle table in AbInitio?