How to create or implement slowly changing dimension (SCD) Type 2 Effective Date mapping in informatica/Flagging mapping in informatica/visioning mapping in informatica?
853What are the basic requirements to join two sources in a source qualifier transformation using default join?
Explain the teradata primary index mechanics in detail with a diagram.
Explain clearly how to explain any (sales) project in interview. Actually feom where report developer work starts?pls reply as soon as possible?
How might you approve all mappings in the archive all the while?
Hi, I have Cognos 7.0 Impromptu reports and these reports have been created with the Mainframe datasource. Now the business needs these reports should be upgraded but with Oracle datasource. So what's the idea, first we should migrate these reports into ReportNet? then in that case what we will do with the Impromptu Catalog? Second, suppose we need to migrate these reports into Cognos 8 (may be 8.4) then how we will do that? do we need to create a FM Model for these reports. Please advice!
What is a macro routine?
What are the various etl tools in the market?
Explain etl?
How to execute the plsql procedure from the report by clicking with mouse?
Tell us about the architecture of abinitio.
Have you created hierarchy in obiee. If so where and how?
What is dimensional modeling?
Differentiate between Load Manager and DTM?
Explain how does tuple-oriented relational calculus differ from domain-oriented relational calculus?
Explain why denormalization is promoted in universe designing?
Can we start and stop single session in concurent bstch?