How to create or implement slowly changing dimension (SCD) Type 2 Effective Date mapping in informatica/Flagging mapping in informatica/visioning mapping in informatica?
789What are the basic requirements to join two sources in a source qualifier transformation using default join?
What is the Environment Variable need to Set to TRIM in Project Level?(In transfermer, we TRIM function but I need to impliment this project level using Environment variable)
What is conformed fact?
What if a cartesian product pop up block appears when running a report. Does it give wrong values? How to solve this issue?
What needs to be done when the database is shutdown?
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Explain how to get the first 100 rows from the flat file into the target?
What is smp and mpp platforms?
I have 100 records in source table, but I want to load 1, 5,10,15,20…..100 into target table. How can I do this? Explain in detailed mapping flow.
Define dimensions?
Explain what is the use of proc gplot?
Can Bo generates the Report from the cubical data Explain?
give detail on the sales project how many number of dimensions & fact tables are used in projec briefly. how the four fact tables taken in the project.
Have you worked with packages?
How to connect a private redshift cluster?
Give some information on report bursting and how to do it in bca as I have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people?