Explain some reason to avoid the development of multi-threaded corba application?
Can corba application have call back?
Can corba application be tuned for better performance?
What is the reason to implement corba in client application application?
Explain are there important forms of asynchronous communication that are not supported directly by corba?
What is corba good for?
Give us high-level technical overview of corba?
Does corba supports asynchronous communication?
Explain are the different threading models that can be used within corba servers?
Does the existing Authorization Service of CORBASec scale in a "well" distributed-object environment?
Explain does corba support distributed reference counting architectures?
Explain does corba define high level application architectures?
Explain high-level technical overview of corba?
Explain the reason to implement a corba application with multi-threading?
Explain can corba allow servers to cause client side events or notifications?