Consider the below example call a-test1. -- -- -- a-test1. if a=b perform a-test through a-exit next sentence else if b=c perform c-test through c-exit. if a=d perform d-test through d-exit. a-test. -- -- a-exit. exit. can u tell me what will happen if a=b after looping into a-exit will the control go back to a- test1. will the condition a=d be checked???
5 6256once we submitted the job to the operating system, how can we cancel the job before execution?
2 5341here is my requirement A1 is alphanumeric with value 'A1B2C3D4' as defined below 05 A1 PIC X(8) VALUE IS 'A1B2C3D4' but i need to have A2,A3 as ABCD & 1234 repectively...... A2 = ABCD A3 = 1234 Can you please explain me what are the different ways to do it?
2 7086suppose i have job it contains 10 steps after exicution of job failuer at 3 and 7 th steps i want exicute step 3 and step 7 only how we specify condition ?
5 8031how we can reverse the string in the cobol for example satheesh can be reveresed as hseehtas
3 48315is there any possibilities for sumbitting more than one job in single jcl? if yes...based on which thing they will execute..(priority,class,time,written order..?)
3 9608I am getting the file from Unix to Mainframes for every 15 minutes. The mainframe job get abended with bad records coming from unix. I recovered that by deleting the bad data. I need permenant solution how to fix the issue? The record is getting characters in in first 9 positions which it should not. Please provide me the solution how to skip the records if it finds the charcters in the first 9 positions. K
3 6291I have two files , file1 is input file it contains 10,20,30,....,records but i want to display the records in file 2 as reverse order .how can we do by using jcl& cobol(dont use array) please any one can tell me the answer
3 8878
by using xpeditor if we want to debug the subpgm, how can you code in x-ped for mai-pgm n sub-pgm ?
Mention one alternative aspect of CICS?
Explain how can the disposition of sysout datasets be set for an entire jobstream?
Explain lock contention?
What is the result of open cursor statement?
I have mainpgm(abc) this is the only cobol pgm(non-db2).And this pgm calling subpgm name "acd" this also only cobol(non- Db)and this pgm calling some other subpgm this pgm has cobol-db2 pgm. 1) IF you calling static mode how to run and how to compile? 2) IF you calling dynamic mode how to run and how to compile? plz suggestion me.
How do I copy a table in db2?
What is the difference between record occurrence and record type in idms?
Explain in DD statement what is the use of DCB parameter?
cics command level is?
What is the picture clause of null indicator variable?
When a COBOL-DB2 program in PRODUCTION is updating main tables and gone for long run, what have to do?
Are scope terminators compulsory? If they are, when?
What are catalog tables in db2?
How do we pass parameters into a CICS –DB2 program