QA Concepts Interview Questions
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what is testdata ??

3 4865

what is diff between 32 / 64 bit web browser ??


How we can test Cookies Manually?

3 6130

What is the difference between GUI and UI testing?


What is the differnt between Test condition and TesT Scenario

1 3187

what is cyclomatic complexity ?

3 5317

What is the risk factor problem related to project? risk factor ratio in the project?


What are the Blackbox Testing Techniques?

2 4203

how to access a build & wat is its configuration.


what is Bottle Neck testing??

2 4733

What is error guessing?

1 3007

What are the limitations for testing?


What is Deffered? explain it who allocate it?

5 6850

What is Buddy testing?

2 4140

How to start testing after project kick off ???


2 8060

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Scenario :- when we test payment module in the eCommerce site, then how do we verify or actually check transaction failed and the amount will be returned in next few days? i am using pay pal / credit card.


How to estimate testing effort ?


Please, anyone out there that had been a SQA Tester, would You all give me a hint on this Job? Is becoming a SQA Tester is easy? Is it a tough one? Please help me on finding a way on this very first Job of mine?


What are the five common solutions for software developments problems?


Enlist some of the key challenges that are faced while performing software testing.


What is the difference between preventative and reactive approaches in testing?


How do you perform integration testing?


What do you know about data-driven testing?


Explain what is a cause effect graph?


Dear all I need an advice about sqa field last year i have completed my graduation in computer engineering and i have just started my career as Software engineer in QA field and working in a software company. The problem is that I am very confused about my career in this field because I want to know that how much it's necessary that the programming concepts and the programming should be strong if the person is working as a sqa engineer if i talk about myself i can create logic with respect to programming but for me it's very difficult to implement my logic in form of code and is programming field has strong scope over sqa field and as a sqa engineer what will be my prestige in front of programmers. I want to know what appourtinutes i will get in this field after some period of time and what will be the next step(desigination)in that field.Kindly reply Regards


A power plant control system?


Give notes on role of ISO in quality assurance.


is the transmission line voltage delta confoguration?


What is destructive testing, and what are its benefits?


How can new software qa processes be introduced in an existing organization?