How we write a java script using RFT for the below scenario iam having dropdown list COUNTRY(it contains india,us,uk...) once we select the india in that list it will open the corresponding states in STATES dropdown list. i would like to change those values dynamically... can u pls send me the coding....
2752How can I date change in tally whenever new voucher entery. When I press F2 I can change the date only 1,2&31. When I feed other dates like 12,15,17, 21 etc. not changed. Please tell me how can I change the all voucher dates.
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Hi this is chandra if any one have Navigation of LAB RATIONAL ROBOT I want Navigation of those tools, if any one have the and know the Navigation each and every part of the Rational Robot and plz send me my mail naruboinac@yahoo. com,naruboinas@
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