Core Java Interview Questions
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which one is more efficient int x; 1. if(x==null) 2.if(null==x) state which one either 1 or 2?

HP, SparkTG,

6 9243

how tha garbage collector know that the object will be deleted? on which algorithm the garbage collector works? what is the working principle of garbage collector? How manay types of garbage collectors r there?

HP, SparkTG,

1 6352

what is object type casting? give some example with related?

HP, SparkTG,

2 7650

suppose we have an interface & that interface contains five methods. if a class implements that interface then we have to bound that to give tha definition of all five methods in that class. If we declare that class as abstract then can we call only two methods to give the deinition of that method & i don't want to give the definition of all the methods? can it possible

HP, Wipro,

6 8262

Why java is not a pure object oriented language?


5 7199

why java is platform independent?

IBM, SparkTG,

5 6587

how to run servlet program between two computer through the internet ?

Kiran Prakashan, TCS,

2 5887

can you use the two main method in same class?how?

DELL, Geosoft, SparkTG,

4 9131

java program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.

HCL, Wipro,

7 8421

When we give defination of interface method in the class why method must be public???

2 3766

How many types of syncronization?

2 4192

What is race condition ?? (Threading concept) TCS 2 sept10

SparkTG, TCS,

3 6831

why we write public static void main (String args[]) in core java plz explain briefly??????????????????


3 7254

diffrence b\w println() and printf()


8 20921

if we give input as " hi how are you" then the output should be "uoy woh" should skip odd words in the input and should reverse even words from the end of string...can anyone help me to write this program in java

1 3448

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

Can we declare register variable as global?


Difference between concurrent hashmap and hashtable and collections


How can you share data between two thread in Java?


Explain the difference between jvm and jre?


What are the super most classes for all the streams?


What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch?


List any five features of java?


What is difference between path and classpath in java?


What is the program compilation process?


what is an objects lock and which objects have locks? : Java thread


What does super keyword do?


Which category the java thread do fall in?


What is the purpose of using java.lang.class class?


What is immutability in java?


What is functional interface in java example?