Core Java Interview Questions
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Hi Anyone know the model / questions of the Federal bank sample questions for the post of Specialist Officers - Programmers. Please post if anyone have..


How to make a class immutable?

Bosch, TSYS,

15 26623

What is the difference between Abstract Class and Interface


8 13359

How to perform Singleton of the java class object on multi JVM?

2 11293

How to send a request to garbage collector?

4 6876

How can you say HashMap is syncronized?

Arete, IBM,

14 16440

which pattern is default in scanner package?



what is d difference between deep cloning and shallow cloning in core java?


3 16216

what is the use of private constructor in core java?

OnMobile, Satyam, Yash Technologies,

3 18273

what is the use of datasource in core java?


3 8645

public class AboutStrings{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s1="hello"; String s2="hel"; String s3="lo"; String s4=s2+s3; //to know the hash codes of s1,s4. System.out.println(s1.hashCode()); System.out.println(s4.hashCode()); // these two s1 and s4 are having same hashcodes. if(s1==s4){ System.out.println("s1 and s4 are same."); }else System.out.println("s1 and s4 are not same."); } } Somebody told me that, == operator compares references of the objects. In the above example even though s1 and s4 are refering to same object(having same hash codes), it is printing s1 and s4 are not same. Can anybody explain in detail why it is behaving like this? Thanks in Advance RavuriVinod


4 6315

if two references are having same hash codes,is that means those are refering to same object?


5 9391

Difference String and String Buffer

4 5942

What is object

6 7304

How to make class immutable

6 8359

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

hi am an engineering student and my next plan is for ms in either in us or australia i got my passport but i dont know anything bout visa can u give brief idea 1)How to get prepared for visa and 2)How to apply for top universities and 3)How to pay the fee and so on These all are basic questions plz give me a clear idea


How do you read a char in java?


What is an infinite loop?


What is the difference between inheritance and encapsulation?


Is string thread safe in java?


Explain the difference between private, public, package and protected in java?


Why is core java important?


List some oops concepts in java?


What is data movement?


What is externalizable?


Can we have static methods in an interface?


What do you mean by of string::valueof expression in java 8?


What is the maximum length of a url?


Why static functions are used?


What is a null check?