Java J2EE Interview Questions
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What part of memory - Stack or Heap - is cleaned in the garbage collection process?

1 292

What is the difference between the program and the process?

1 260

. What are the differences between constructor and method of a class in Java?

1 295

How do you use final keywords and final variables in Java?

2 123

In Java, what types of classes perform inheritance?

2 139

What types of inheritance does Java support?

2 135

What is Java exception handling?

1 143

What are the differences between unchecked exception, checked exception, and errors?

2 180

What are the types of loops in Java, and how are they used?

2 141

How do you declare an infinite loop?

2 151

What is the difference between the continue and break statement?

2 163

What is the entry point in Java, and how is it written?

2 150

In Java, what are public static void main string args?

2 158

In Java, what’s the purpose of static methods and static variables?

2 192

How do you use, call, and access a static method in Java?

2 149

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

What is collections framework?


What is lossy conversion in java?


What exactly is dependency injection in spring?


What is the use of file in Struts Validation framework?


Explain about wait() method?


Why is hibernate used?


What’s the usage of configuration interface in hibernate?


Can I enable requests to a jdbc connection pool for a database connection to wait until a connection is available? : BEA Weblogic


Where are the files placed while deploying the resource adapter in web logic server?


What are the different types of classes implemented in the set interfaces? : java collections


Is string a class in java?


what is web sphere mq jms provider?


What about member inner classes?


Can the bean class implement the ejbobject class directly? If not why?


What's mvc pattern ?