Programming Languages AllOther Interview Questions
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Is class is a abstract datatype in java?


What is procedural oriented language language..? give some examples of this language....?


can we allocate memory for interface? if no then why?


how to work search engine? plz detail answer me.


What is the language used for Artificial Intelligence?

1 3421

Busy waiting is a method whereas a taskwaits for a given event by continiously checking for an event to occur. What is the main problem with this approach


what are the differences between CONS, LIST, and APPEND



What is the best action a system can take when deadlock is detected

2 9702

what are the 3 forms of a prolog term


what is difference between scripts, smartforms and adobe forms

5 45283

What is algorithm in SCD Type2(SAS DI Studio Transformaton)?

2 8972

hi, all this is shoba m.c.a . i have learned abap but no oppurtunities right now as fresher , right now i want to learn any course on demand any one pls suggest me good course and institute in hyderabad


£¢®£ž›;=9:B9<::C = ADITHI HOW TO GET?


what is the difference between an OS(operating system) and Framework?


define profiler???


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3. What is the difference between testing and Quality Assurance?


hi all, i need ur help in preparing a sql which performs scd2, i mean i have a scd2 mapping i need a sql which can give me same result as scd2 mapping, SRC table: cust_no, loc 01 abc 02 xyz TGT table: pm_ky cust_no loc current_flag 1 01 abc Y 2 02 xyz Y cust 1 has changed his loc to xyz then it loads into TGT table as below, pm_ky cust_no loc current_flag 1 01 abc N 2 02 xyz Y 3 01 xyz Y i need sql to get the above result, hope got me question, Any suggestion will be appreciate.. thanks, Vinod


Plz sent me in .net 2.0 interview Question & answers?


what is programmable BIST in today ic design


Always use scope terminator like End-If with IF, End- Evaluate with Evaluate statement.Can somebody explain me the detail logical explanation?


Given a set. Write the pseudo code to get all the subsets for the given set. Eg. Input : {1,2} Output : (),(1),(2),(1,2)


How to set fixed width in particular in html? if i type more character in this it will not push near . this is my question. can u tell me the answer...


Definition of Singleton Class? what is the Purpose of it? what is the advantage?


When we delete logfiles such as screenshots how does it affect the ldf file? Ive seen huge change while adding screenshots in the ldf file but a very minor one deleting them.Please Explain


Write code to read the records from a file and load any array of size 99?make sure that you take care of all the error conditions?


suppose we have ten members of a physical file but we want the output of last 5 members to achieve that?


Hi can you please help for the following. I have a ASP.Net web page I want to print the whole page how is it possible? I want It in ASP also.Please send me the solutions . Thanks in advance.


I am work in it aompenei


How do you initialize a static member of a class with return value of some function?


You are given a dictionary of all valid words. You have the following 3 operations permitted on a word: delete a character, insert a character, replace a character. Now given two words - word1 and word2 - find the minimum number of steps required to convert word1 to word2. (one operation counts as 1 step.)