what is difference between scripts, smartforms and adobe forms
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Answer / bvsnaidu
adobe forms user frindly, and we can develop forms with sap
logon also
Is This Answer Correct ? | 30 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / hanimireddy
scripts :script are client dependent ,script does not
generate any function module ,scripts need to have driver
program is mandatory
smart form is user friendly nature ,it is web compatability,
it can be allowed multiple pages,smartforms are
interactive operation s are not allowed like (delete ,
insert ,update ) smart form non interactive from
adobe is a interactive from it can be allowed database
operation and web compatability
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ragavendran
Smart forms / scripts are used to show the data in SAP.
Most likely you will use these to print / display some kind
of reciepts / forms. Many companies must be using this for
hard copies / ALE / EDI or to transfer data from SAP to
Adobe forms are used to post data into SAP from SAP too.
So this has an additional feature compared to smartforms.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / chandra shekhar agarwal
• For both of them, SAP dynamically creates a function
module that must be called from an ABAP program to generate
the form
• In Smart Forms, it is possible to add ABAP code during
generation of the form, that is not possible with Adobe Forms
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 12 No |
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